The Pushtun Family Tree
In the early seventeenth century, a Pashtun from North India called Khwaja Ni’mat Allah described the tribal structure and origin of Pashtun Society in this work, the Makbzan-I Afghani. Although it undoubtedly contains information on the ethnogenesis of the Pashtuns, this genealogy should not be read as a sound historical source that indicates how the Pashtuns came into being as a distinct ethnic group. Instead, it should be used as a source of information, from the seventeenth century or earlier, for the way in which the Pashtuns saw themselves as a group.
Ni’mat Allah differentiates between four main groups of Pashtuns. These are the descendants of the three sons of the putative ancestor of al Pashtuns, Qays Abdul Al-Rashid Pathan, plus another, fourth group. The putative ancestor himself descended, according to traditional genealogies, from King Sarul (Saul), the Jewish king. The allegedly Jewish ancestry of the Pashtuns was a subject always hotly debated in Pashtun tea houses!
The three sons of Qays Abdul Al-Rashid pathan were named Sarban, Bitan and Ghurghusht (although there are many variants of these names). Most important of these, at least in the eyes of Ni’mat Allah, was Sarban. He was the eldest son. His descendants, via his son Sharkhbun, are mainly found in South Afghanistan, and via his other son Kharshbun, in the Peshawar Valley. Those in the west include the Abdalis, who since the mid-eighteenth century are called the Durranis. Those in the east include the Yousfzay, who lie north of Peshawar, and many other tribes in the same area.
Ni’mat Allah differentiates between four main groups of Pashtuns. These are the descendants of the three sons of the putative ancestor of al Pashtuns, Qays Abdul Al-Rashid Pathan, plus another, fourth group. The putative ancestor himself descended, according to traditional genealogies, from King Sarul (Saul), the Jewish king. The allegedly Jewish ancestry of the Pashtuns was a subject always hotly debated in Pashtun tea houses!
The three sons of Qays Abdul Al-Rashid pathan were named Sarban, Bitan and Ghurghusht (although there are many variants of these names). Most important of these, at least in the eyes of Ni’mat Allah, was Sarban. He was the eldest son. His descendants, via his son Sharkhbun, are mainly found in South Afghanistan, and via his other son Kharshbun, in the Peshawar Valley. Those in the west include the Abdalis, who since the mid-eighteenth century are called the Durranis. Those in the east include the Yousfzay, who lie north of Peshawar, and many other tribes in the same area.
At September 9, 2015 at 2:41 AM ,
Unknown said...
At February 6, 2016 at 8:11 AM ,
Unknown said...
Forefather of yousafzai who migrated from kabil to punjab india disct hushyar purin 1857.if any one can help me out.
At February 6, 2016 at 8:13 AM ,
Unknown said...
Forefather of yousafzai who migrated from kabil to punjab india disct hushyar purin 1857.if any one can help me out.
At April 25, 2016 at 2:40 PM ,
Unknown said...
yousafzai have any relation with prophet yousaf pbuh ????
At April 25, 2016 at 2:40 PM ,
Unknown said...
yousafzai have any relation with prophet yousaf pbuh ????
At June 12, 2016 at 11:44 PM ,
Hameed Yousafzai said...
@ Abdul Ghafoor Khan,
Yousafzai have no relation with Hazrat Yousaf...
Actually Yousaf was another man and the yousafzai tribe is related to that man.
At June 12, 2016 at 11:46 PM ,
Hameed Yousafzai said...
@ Rashid Khan...
Please study below books for the history of Yousafzai.
Tawarikh-e-Hafiz Rahmad Khani (By Roshan Khan)
The book "The Pathan" you can also find the urdu and pashto translation of " The Pathan"
At June 12, 2016 at 11:50 PM ,
Hameed Yousafzai said...
@ White Rose..
The Yousafazi was migrated from Kabil in the 14th Century to Northern Area of Pakistan ( Called DO_AABA near Peshawar)..
I think you are mentioning some specific person which has been come to Punjab... Please give me any reference of your statement.
At November 23, 2016 at 12:20 AM ,
gikici said...
Dear ALL please Study the book (FROM THE BLACK MOUNTAIN TO WAZIRISTAN ) This is one of the most authentic book.
At December 14, 2016 at 2:08 PM ,
Unknown said...
Mara gap ma lagawa .... dasi his qima sabot nishatai...
At December 14, 2016 at 2:09 PM ,
Unknown said...
Pa dwaro kitabono ki ghwara book kam yaw dai...
At December 14, 2016 at 2:13 PM ,
Unknown said...
Waisai pashtun tarikh ki lahaz si konsi kitabai achai hongi...ta ki ma agar naam patyingi ta barri mehrabani hogi
At June 21, 2017 at 1:04 PM ,
Unknown said...
I study yousafxai history
At June 21, 2017 at 1:06 PM ,
Unknown said...
Plz connect with me
At June 21, 2017 at 1:06 PM ,
Unknown said...
I study yousafxai history
At August 26, 2017 at 6:54 AM ,
Unknown said...
Anyone know the ancestors of District Nowshera Pabbi people whether they are Yousafzai or others
At September 2, 2017 at 12:31 PM ,
Unknown said...
Salam mama g. Zo yousafzai yam aw zo da khapilo nekono shagar na sab goram taso zama help ka wala sha zama da gmail I'd dada
At September 14, 2017 at 5:09 AM ,
Amaan Khan said...
Can any one let me know anything about Yusufzai family in Patiyali Etah utter pradesh.
At July 6, 2018 at 5:05 AM ,
Unknown said...
Rampur barilly
Rampur village Shahzad
Orgnal yousufzai
But hide all
Because don't want show
Iam yousufzai
7 family house India
All pak and afginstan
2 family member coming
Two family member returned
Bilocestan panjur
Make make generation
I proud filling
At October 11, 2018 at 12:26 AM ,
اسلم جان یوسفزئی. Aslam Jaan Usufzai said...
Aslam Jaan yusufzai. yusufzais have any relation with prophet Mosa or juesh
At October 28, 2018 at 1:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
TAWAREKH Hafeez Rahmat Khani Book.
Gomnam Riasat
The pathans
The Yousafzai Pathans
Aow Nor Hum Deeer Sheee De Tasoo. EMAIL okai. Mata
pade Emails.
Za ba Darta Yaw 3 Book Email Hum Kam PDF File Aow Name Ba Darta Hum Okhyam Was Rata Nade Yadddd
At October 28, 2018 at 1:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...
DWana Ror Me...
At October 28, 2018 at 1:42 PM ,
Anonymous said...
DA Book The Pathan PDF Urdo File Ka eyy Taso Sa No Link rata Emails kai.
At October 28, 2018 at 1:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Allahamdulillah Mata Yaw Name Pate Norr Ba Yousaf Ta Orasam... Za Hum Yousafzai Yam... Za darta Book Kjem Da Ogora .. Tawrekhe Hafiz Rahmat Khani. Aow Email Okaaa Noor Ba Darta Hum Wakheem...
At October 28, 2018 at 1:47 PM ,
Anonymous said...
HAmmed Usafzai. STASO email address. Aow Whatsapp no Ba Mung Ta Melove She..
Please email Okai.
At May 17, 2020 at 5:09 AM ,
Unknown said...
Can anybody help me out does yousafzai tribe are descendants of hazrat Yousaf (a.s).....? 🤔
At May 1, 2021 at 6:12 PM ,
Unknown said...
Yes yusufzai have relation with Jesus because pahtoon is really belong to nation of israeel and israeel is also include Juesh. and the things which I know is that the HASHIvkhan the grand grandfather of yusufzai was coming from the city of sham to Afghanistan etc
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